It was a collision of irreconcilable forces that divide the Middle East - monopolistic secular power and religious exclusivism.
Market dominance to the point where it leads to monopolistic power does not lead to more goods and services at lower cost.
Can the merger of two huge companies - each with monopolistic powers - possibly usher in more competition?
Rent-seeking refers to all forms of corrupt behaviour by people with monopolistic power.
But even if Microsoft's monopolistic power is granted, why would an attempt to absorb a browser into Windows have anything to do with preserving that power?
The monopolistic power of the Americans caused Garcia to go bankrupt within a few short months.
Similarly, Microsoft has also been prevented from taking various business actions that could result in the company gaining monopolistic power.
AT&T, no stranger to monopolistic power itself, sounds worried now that significant financial resources are behind the New Clearwire deal.
The fact remains, however, that we are reducing monopolistic powers in favour of an equitable opening to all, in all countries and throughout Europe.
During the time frame of the story, there were TONS of trusts with monopolistic powers.