He believed that neither movement possessed religious originality, but were simply a vehicle to transmit the Jewish monotheistic belief to the pagan world.
Theologically, gurmat encompasses a strictly monotheistic belief.
Akenaten's monotheistic beliefs are thought to be the precursor of the monotheistic doctrines of the Abrahamic religions.
On Galactica, Gaius Baltar continues to preach his monotheistic beliefs.
There is no inherent superiority in being Jewish, but we do assert the superiority of monotheistic belief over paganism.
Given the usual interpretation of Wicca as a pantheistic and duotheistic/polytheistic religion, the monotheistic belief in a single "supreme deity" does not generally apply.
Written in a deft and concise language of proverbs and metaphors, his poems encourage monotheistic belief in the god Shiva.
In ancient times, Rabbi Serels explained, there were 12 tribes of Jews, united by their common monotheistic beliefs.
The unique monotheistic belief which is the central theme of Akilam is completely unknown among most of the followers today.
This Midrash can be interpreted as an example of persecution against those of monotheistic beliefs in a time where polytheism dominated.