In general, wild game and fish could not be depended on, but when found, were a welcome change in a monotonous diet.
In the woods around them, game was plentiful and they would have welcomed a change from their monotonous diet.
The rather monotonous diet from the ship's stores satisfied hunger but did not appeal to his taste.
With this monotonous diet, men on the island relied on rum for spice.
Inmates have a monotonous diet of nsima and beans with water.
It was cheap andplentiful, but they protested at this monotonous diet.
When fish were caught they were a welcome addition to the monotonous diet.
They like to roast and eat passersby, as a change from their monotonous diet of fish.
Pirates have a very monotonous diet, which might be why they're angry all the time.
Often by spring nearly everyone was on restricted rations of a very monotonous diet.