The monster roared and tore at the earth with his horns.
The monster roared and blood spurted out of my nose, spattering onto the ground.
The monster roared rage even as it dissolved; the last roar was only a bubble in the mud.
The monster roared some more and Jonnie divined, with relief, that it was laughing.
With all of the Meganulon gone, the giant monster spread its wings and roared...
This monster does not talk but roars a lot while fighting the Flashman.
The monster roared with a terrible rage and ripped his head free, sending shards of ice flying out.
And as the monsters roared their approval, there was a passing flicker in the shape of an invisible horse.
The lance snapped, and the monster roared, staggering back, clawing at its chest.
Then the monster roared, charging, and caught up Geoffrey with one roundhouse swipe.