The Frankenstein's monster rushes Reggie but screams in pain at the sounds of gunfire.
Then the monster rushed her, so swift it was on top of her almost before she could respond.
The monster rushed upon Beowulf with all its fury and almost crushed him in its first charge.
The monster was rushing at the lighthouse.
Then Malice's monster rushed back in, swords leading.
Cadderly asked as much as stated when the winged, three-headed monster rushed in at Danica.
These thoughts flashed briefly through Conan's mind as he monster rushed.
His face was a ludicrous, frozen picture of horror, his sword suspended uselessly in midair, as the monster rushed past him.
The two monsters rushed at each other, slavering mouths wide open, claws ready to rend each others flesh.
He tensed, anticipating the monster would rush them.