That is a monstrous accusation.
"Have you heard about this... this monstrous accusation going around?"
"I ask you for proof-positive of this monstrous accusation."
'Because I know perfectly well that there can be no sound evidence for such monstrous, silly accusations.'
Not even the bullets had disordered Baxter's faculties so much as this monstrous accusation.
Puffing, he said: 'Can you give me one reason why I shouldn't call the police and tell them of the monstrous accusations you've just made?
She heard every lying word, every monstrous accusation.
The captain would decline to insult one of his officers by even mentioning the monstrous accusation to him.
But only stubborn pride and the knowledge that Giles's monstrous accusations were totally unfounded prevented her from fleeing to the Ladies'.
To the east in 1938 "monstrous accusations" accusing Bahá'ís of being 'closely linked with the leaders of Trotskyite-Bukharinist and Dashnak-Musavat bands'.