In this rare spectacle, the giant creatures no longer seem monstrous killers, but instead appear as gentle giants sharing a tender, beautiful moment.
In "Blood Work," Clint Eastwood (who also directed and produced) plays a maverick law-enforcement professional locked into a creepy, codependent relationship with a monstrous serial killer.
Stanch (of Sector 3560): A once benevolent being who was corrupted in body and mind through the pollution of his world, becoming a monstrous killer of the skies.
Jenna cast worried glances back over her shoulder every few seconds, terrified the monstrous killer behind them would turn and come back, having heard their footsteps.
In truth, however, poliomyelitis was never the monstrous killer it was portrayed as in the media, not even at its height during the 1940s and 1950s.
Braan screamed for Tlnn'a and his scouts to retreat, for they were too few to thwart the monstrous killer.
One being that maybe Norman Church was the Dollmaker, a monstrous serial killer, but even if so, Bosch's actions behind the badge were equally heinous and should not be forgiven.
Blood Work Once again a maverick law-enforcement professional is locked in a creepy, co-dependent relationship with a monstrous serial killer.
He or she is ready, if the law demands it, to send a hungry child, who stole a loaf of bread, to the gallows, or release a monstrous serial killer.
Why align America so closely with hard-liners whom their successors may denounce as monstrous killers?