And he grew monstrously big and strong, with even more faith in his righteousness than in his physical power.
Like Daly, she is a monstrously big hitter, actually longer off the tee relative to her competition.
Behind her closed eyes she imagined it-zucchini growing monstrously big, peas fattening within their sun-pierced pods, hollyhocks exploding into blossom.
But it would take a monstrously big cat to bring this thing here.
Beyond the flowery carpet they could see the tops of luxuriant trees, some of them resembling monstrously big palms.
Everywhere Lord Kitchener sternly points a monstrously big finger, exclaiming 'I Want You'".
It is monstrously big.
He held his monstrously big drinks well enough to get through the dinner hour and make a few phone calls in the early evening.
Shanty had gone off and left his affairs, a monstrously big affair in monstrous Cathead, and had come to Cosmopolis.
It looked just like the other, monstrously big and all silvery.