Now, two months into the new year, the consequences appear to be far milder than the insurers suggested.
Every few months, another book appears, focusing on this or that aspect of the digital revolution.
An extra six months appeared to show a further improvement, he said, although the difference did not reach statistical significance.
He began the 1916-1917 season as team captain, but within a month rarely appeared in the lineup.
"The product releases for the coming months in 2001 appear to be strong."
Every three months, more or less, a new Koyama type comet appeared near the sun.
Fast forward almost six months and it appears these two are getting serious.
Note: The month and year in which each profile was created or most recently updated appear after each country name.
To the general impatience these two months appeared as long as years!
TEN months into the first recession of the 21st century, the economic cycle appears to be moving in the right direction.