The man, arrested after the woman called police, admitted entering her Tokyo flat several times in six months using a stolen key.
Shooting took two to three months using a combination of local actors and Hollywood talent.
He wrote the book in three months using material he had prepared for the newspaper.
Their goal is to collectively earn $2 million dollars in two months using their own money.
According to Antoniades, the game was prototyped in three months using four to eight people.
The total construction time was four months, using a total of forty-five men.
"We worked for free for about five months using the small credit line we could get."
He had her practice ballet six hours a day for six months, using a level method of technique training.
Trinity, based in Dallas, has been trying to compete for months using prototypes.
After spending two months using heroin with her mother's boyfriend, Kendra's next step was almost guaranteed.