This month-long battle is sometimes called the First Siege of Königsberg.
After a protracted month-long battle, Aizu finally admitted defeat on November 6.
Meanwhile, the Trow have forced the Oghres into the valley of the Red Seal where a month-long battle ensues.
Mario Pastega died January 20, 2012 at Overlake Hospital in Bellevue, Washington following a month-long battle with pneumonia.
The month-long battle that preceded its recapture by United States troops in 1945 left Manila in ruins.
The Senate rejected his nomination after a month-long battle by a vote of 58 to 42.
The breach occurred despite a month-long battle by the local residents.
The month-long battle left Sirte almost completely in ruins, with many buildings damaged or totally destroyed.
During the first two weeks of the month-long battle, he was senior MO to the Brigade.
After a six month-long battle with cancer, Hart died at St. Joseph Living Center in Windham, aged 80.