Built over a month-long period by a volunteer workforce, the festival land starts completely in its natural ecological state.
Students sign up in advance for a combination of one, two, or four week courses for the month-long period.
On December 2, 1933, Chang was admitted into Queen's Hospital after a month-long period of serious illness.
In this manner each month-long period of the year was given its "sign of the zodiac."
Upon returning to San Diego, Union enjoyed a month-long period of leave.
The incident brought to an end a month-long period of peace in Kashmir, and dashed hopes of a reduction in the border tension.
The young are usually born in March or April after a 7 month-long gestation period in litters of one to five.
During this month-long period, at least 288 enemy planes attacked the ships in Taneys vicinity, and at least 96 of these were destroyed.
The video was filmed in several cities over a month-long period from October 1-24, 2002.
During this month-long period of fasting, getting food (especially in small towns) can be difficult.