A month-long program has been produced every spring since, featuring major Tokyo/Osaka actors.
He had reserved the final week of the month-long program for getting the unit acclimated to wherever they would be conducting their first operation.
BBLT graduates work with BYLC mentors to organize a month-long after-school program for grade 6-10 students from diverse educational backgrounds.
Northeastern also has the notable Dialogues of Civilizations program, which features dozens of one month-long programs (usually taking place in the summer) where a faculty member will lead a group of students in the country of their choice.
The village provides weekend and weekday programs, with a month-long program planned for school vacations.
The company's youth development program, Movin', in partnership with the Shubert Theater in New Haven, offers fully funded, month-long choreographic programs for middle school boys and girls.
Her family then moved to Dallas, Texas, where she enrolled at the Dallas Young Actors Studio in a month-long acting program.
SJG promoted the app through non-paid PR coverage, and the program resulted in more than 7,000 downloads during the month-long program.
The camp offers week-long and month-long intensive programs in the fine arts.
Blanchard and Raquel Scherr created and taught a program entitled Americans in Paris, a month-long program in Paris run through the UC Davis Summer Abroad program.