On top of that Helen's eight month-old daughter, Consuela, was also taken ill and died only days after her arrival in South Africa.
Jairo, a tall boy who wants to be an electrician, held his month-old daughter, Genesis, on his lap.
She, her husband (who used to be her history teacher at school) and their 4 month-old daughter escaped to Neuchâtel in Switzerland.
Subsequently they barricaded themselves into a house, taking hostage a couple and their 7 month-old daughter.
Jones, married with an 18 month-old daughter, was adamant last night that he wants to regain his Test spot, but admitted he felt trapped financially.
With her month-old daughter asleep in a stroller, Monique Davis scooped up diapers that had spilled over the ground.
He was survived by his parents, his wife, and their nine month-old daughter Amy Kathryn Rindskopf.
Her 14 month-old daughter, Marina, survived the crash unharmed.
Monique has run off and left me with our two- month-old daughter.
In anger, he took the month-old daughter with him and left.