To receive monthly dividends the savings account requires an average daily balance of $100 or more.
The dissidents were unhappy with Aberhart's failure to provide Albertans with C$25 monthly dividends through social credit as he had promised before his 1935 election.
In the runup to the campaign, Aberhart promised to increase Albertans' purchasing power by providing monthly dividends to all citizens in the form of non-negotiable "credit certificates".
But for Mikhail, the monthly dividend of about 500 rubles represents a supplement worth more than half his official salary of 850 rubles a month, after taxes.
The $25 monthly social dividend never arrived, as Aberhart decided nothing could be done until the province's financial system was changed, and 1936 Alberta defaulted on its bonds.
Your records show that you are almost invariably as far ahead as you can get on your monthly dividends.
Almost immediately, she began receiving monthly dividends of $200.
The tradeoff: monthly dividends fluctuate more than they would with a standard Ginnie Mae fund.
The program provides a monthly dividend to mothers (married or single) living in extreme poverty.
We write covered options against a portfolio of 40 to 45 blue-chip equities, on a monthly basis, and pay out a monthly dividend.