Last month, the State Health Department began making its monthly inspections of nursing homes available to the public through its Web site and press releases.
The agency has not conducted its usual monthly inspections since late January.
It has also had allegations of animal cruelty on more than one occasion, and now has to undergo six monthly inspections by an independent veterinary surgeon.
Despite monthly inspections by the police, many of the boxes have remained broken for months.
Investigators have found scant evidence that Housing Authority workers made the required monthly inspections, city officials have said in interviews.
In addition, the Bank of Japan said Monday that it would be watching Daiwa much more closely, making monthly inspections of the bank.
Why, save for a monthly inspection, that room isn't even opened, so efficient is the Martian sawgrass.
The people at the airport are used to my monthly inspections.
Clients who want Ms. Gerber long term, which usually includes monthly inspections at 20 to 30 sites each year, can expect to pay about $60,000 a year.
The agreement between the town and the developer allows the town to monitor maintenance and conduct monthly inspections, Mr. Dorward said.