The performance of a business is measured, most obviously, in its monthly profit and loss account.
With a monthly profit of $600 or more, and growing, Mr. Gu is now considering several other locations for additional restaurants.
They were making a halfmillion-dollar monthly profit.
For example, say a drug dealer wants to disguise $10,000 in monthly profits from cocaine sales.
Prepare a monthly profit and loss statement for the present and proposed new programmes.
From an average monthly profit of $4,000, she and her partner pay themselves about $1,000 to $1,250 each.
If the city uses only 3100 energy, then the remaining 2000 energy will be sold and is counted as monthly profit.
Company executives said their business started showing monthly profits during the summer.
Feel good that charities receive 10% of its monthly profits.
A bad real estate deal can cut into an entrepreneur's monthly profits, drive away clients or even get in the way of selling a business.