The program provides Iraqi families with monthly rations of items like milk, cooking oil and beans.
From 10 gallons of gasoline some months ago, the monthly rations for most drivers have been cut to about five gallons.
All Iraqis receive a monthly ration of food at very low prices, but many say it is only enough for a couple of weeks at best.
Glumly, Lucien walked to the general store and bought his monthly ration of kerosene with some of the money he'd got from selling the hens.
Under the program, each Iraqi is entitled to a basic monthly ration of flour, cooking oil, tea, salt, sugar, rice, dried beans and soap.
Exact amounts for the weekly and monthly rations in 1990 were as follows:
Although monthly rations are distributed, these are often not enough for a family to survive on.
He has done this for 33 years now, he said, to make sure he has enough food apart from his monthly ration.
The remaining monthly rations - about a quart of cooking oil and two pounds of beans or peas - were continuing, an official said.
For some reason we got an extra one with our monthly ration.