Their performance in August was the second best since the monthly reporting began a year ago, the department said.
That finding was in line with other statistics, such as the monthly reporting of most commonly detected malware by antivirus company ESET, which lists abuse of autorun.
Service providers deliver daily, weekly, monthly or exception-based reporting depending on the client's requirements.
Within two or three months, Mr. Perez said his clients transferred such other financial duties to him as budgeting, payroll and monthly financial reporting.
With this kind of monthly reporting, the common negative reactions to the welter of transport legislation can be replaced by far more useful and positive attitudes.
Last week Japan reported that unemployment rose in January to 3 percent, the highest level since monthly reporting began in 1953.
The strong yen also pushed up Japan's unemployment rate to 3 percent in January, the highest since monthly reporting began in 1953.
The forms to be used for monthly reporting, including the report due September 30th, are available for download on our web site.
International Japan's unemployment rate rose to 3 percent in January, the highest level since monthly reporting began in 1953.
We have also introduced an on-line complaint register for EU companies and launched real-time and monthly reporting on market access work.