Forty-nine bicyclists were arrested last night in Manhattan at the monthly Critical Mass ride, the police department reported.
In these cities riders purchase passes good for unlimited daily, weekly or monthly rides.
Bill DiPaola, executive director of Time's Up, an environmental group that promotes the monthly ride, responded last night, saying he was surprised by the arrests.
More importantly, I hope that it will encourage other cyclists to join the monthly rides.
The city should work with riders to defuse their disagreement so the monthly rides can go on, in an orderly, lawful and safe way.
(news article, Nov. 4) as saying that the monthly Critical Mass ride was not "political."
Since then, officers in various disguises have infiltrated the monthly rides.
The monthly Critical Mass ride draws thousands of participants in the summer months.
The monthly ride, called Critical Mass, has been held in New York for the last several years to promote nonpolluting transportation.
The bicyclists had filed suit in response to events the night of Sept. 24, when the previous monthly ride, known as Critical Mass, was held.