Concurrently with these interest charges, you contribute a monthly sum to an endowment policy.
Students pay nothing up front, and only a modest monthly sum after they have started earning a decent salary.
Look for a policy that pays a monthly sum.
He signed a contract to do two books a year, more or less forever, in exchange for a monthly sum.
Borrowers should also evaluate whether they are old enough to qualify for a meaningful monthly sum.
Most communities paid a monthly sum, and could receive so many words per month depending on the amount paid.
In addition, the charitable organization might agree to pay the couple a small monthly sum to help cover subsequent upkeep.
Instead, veterans received a fixed monthly sum of $110, which they used to pay for their tuition, fees, books, and living expenses.
Alternatively, they could pay a flat monthly sum of $15 to $25 per family member for fully prepaid care.
These are expensive, but guarantee to pay a fixed monthly sum for life.