The course, which began last June, includes monthly workshops and requires students to observe actual arbitration hearings and participate in mock ones.
It features social and technical support networks, monthly workshops, peer-mentoring, action learning groups, team corporate projects, and rotations through different departments.
There are monthly all-day workshops for members who come from all over the country to take part.
The program consists of monthly, 4-hour workshops during a Saturday at the downtown offices.
Indeed, the school holds monthly workshops where parents are also taught English.
The monthly workshops he leads, which usually attract 10 to 15 lawyers, are now packed.
To spur more parents to take part, Ms. Silva has organized monthly workshops.
The training consists of several monthly workshops and a practical, written and oral examination over a period of 6 months.
In addition to the two fully staged shows presented each year, we are the only community theater to offer free monthly workshops.
At one of the monthly workshops that the psychologists run for the children, several told me they had felt guilty about not loving their blood families right away.