It uses film to tell very personal, individual stories, but connects us all to the monumental history of the last 100 plus years.
Who might suppose among them the difficult torch race of monumental history, through which alone greatness lives once more!
If a man who wants to create greatness uses the past, then he will empower himself through monumental history.
His best known work is the monumental History of Kashmir.
Until that time monumental history will not be able to produce that full truthfulness.
Late in his life, when already stricken with cancer, he set himself to complete a monumental history of French art in all its phases.
The village existed for ages however there is no monumental history attached to the village.
She wrote the monumental History of Garden Art, regarded as a standard work.
Above all, he continued writing his monumental History of Ukraine-Rus.
Among prose works, the monumental history of Livy is preeminent for both its scope and stylistic achievement.