She was not about to confess the truth, tell him she had made the monumental error of falling in love with a heartless rogue.
The seven Democratic judges of the Florida court had based their decision on two monumental errors.
"That was a monumental diplomatic error."
It was a risk, and she'd already made one monumental error of character judgement.
I suppose walrus and muskox are all right, but I think the authors made a monumental error in omitting turkey.
But we need to recognise the monumental errors of the past era in order to reform things.
Ro wondered not for the first time since she agreed to see Quark socially whether such an agreement was a monumental error in judgment.
America's efforts in Iraq have never fully recovered from this monumental error.
According to Bucaille, there are monumental errors of science in the Bible and not a single error in the Qur'an.
What a monumental error.