Made of hammered aluminum and steel lined inside with platinum leaf or gold leaf, the 51-inch domes have three counterweights, allowing for surprising mood alterations through minor adjustments.
The suggestibility of memory alteration provides the potential for radical mood alterations and feelings of inadequacy or futility.
In most men, such a manipulation would have led to obvious problems like breast growth, headaches, weight gain and mood alterations.
There has been much speculation on possible causes for mood alterations in the postpartum period.
Sleep deprivation also leads to mood alterations, attention deficits, slower reaction times, and increased risk for accidents.
Finally, after ten years most people with the disease have autonomic disturbances, sleep problems, mood alterations and cognitive decline.
This month, the Federal Drug Administration announced the approval of two prescription drugs for heroin addicts: buprenorphine (a partial opiate that produces minimal mood alteration) and buprenorphine-naloxone (a combination with an opiate blocker).
EA, NAIL and EHA focus on deviant moods and emotions, not just a craving for mood alteration.
Sensing their mood alteration, Farli and Trig had ceased their cavorting, and when Piemur again mounted the white dragon, they quietly settled to his shoulders.
Alcohol accustoms young people to the feelings of mood alteration, so that they are often wide-eyed to try other drugs, a colorful assortment of pills, potions and powders.