The mood of the session today contrasted sharply with that in the House on Monday, where Mr. Baker got a generally receptive hearing.
The current mood contrasts with the sense of accomplishment both races felt after November's election for governor.
This is the first of the three variations in G minor, and its melancholic mood contrasts sharply with the playfulness of the previous variation.
Here in Georgia, the dyspeptic mood contrasts sharply with the bright splashes of pansies and daffodils on the greening lawns.
His mood contrasted sharply with earlier court appearances, when he would sometimes doze off at the defense table and sleep through prosecution testimony.
The mood contrasted sharply with the sense of change evoked by many Italians only 24 hours earlier.
The mood of irritability at the United Nations contrasted with the morning's more somber march in Chinatown.
This mood contrasts with "the deglamorization of style during the Carter Administration," he said.
The mood in Korea today contrasts with optimism that flickered quite recently.
The mood here contrasts sharply with that in areas controlled by the Bosnian Government.