And the spooky mood never dissipates.
Darrah nodded, his angry mood dissipating in the face of his friend's simple grief.
Heavy silence lasted a few seconds while the mood dissipated, and then murmurings and muttered comments broke out all around the room.
The good mood of Swartt Sixclaw suddenly dissipated, and his voice became a questioning snarl.
The sour mood dissipated and they resumed talking.
Then, possibly, the dark mood that had descended on the orphans with the winter would dissipate somewhat.
That mood also dissipated, however, as the market recovered.
As he drove through Providence, Lane's earlier good mood gradually dissipated.
His jovial mood was dissipating for some reason--he himself did not understand why.
The mood of passive curiosity had dissipated, to be replaced by one of hungry anticipation.