Together since 1989, they performed stark, moody music, mainly written by John, which blended driving bass lines with layers of lush keyboards.
Trip-hop isn't just mood music; it's invariably moody music too, subdued and somber.
The film begins as ordinary as could be and then continues with scenery changes, lighting effects, and moody music.
But neither the self-consciously moody music nor most of the performers seem comfortable in 1950's drag.
Sensuous love scenes with nudity as well as sultry, moody music are characteristic for most episodes.
He played moody folk-type music, then evolved into what some critics have called "boring guitar."
Coupled with believable voice acting and excellent moody music, The Thing will be music to your ears.
The Allmusic review stated "The moody music holds one's interest throughout".
She felt the same sense of anonymity here, with the moody music and shadowy suspense on the screen.
But "Night Song" is a Westerner's dream of mysticism; the collaboration produces special, moody music.