Why does the moon loom so large in the dance of life?
But it did not collide; the doughnut-shaped moon loomed larger, and soon Ida disappeared in largeness.
In the distance loomed the gas giant, and Isitri Colony First's moon.
One night, the full moon loomed high and what the household feared came: it was time for Cecil's transformation to an aswang.
The moon loomed huge and ominous above a sharp horizon.
The moon had risen fully and loomed over the ravine, full of tricks and magic.
The full moon looms high one windy night.
Did you think in a place where the moon looms so large, there wouldn't be frogs to praise it?
A hunter's moon loomed closer and larger, growing in intensity until she could only gape at its luminance.
The moon and weeping willows loom over the deserted road.