I looked eastward where the moon, now nearly a week past the full, was mounting.
Then a moon mounted o'er the mists riding, and the keen radiance of the cold moonshine the shadows sharpened in the sheer hollows, and slashed the slopes with slanting blackness; in wreaths uprising the reek of fires was touched to tremulous trails of silver.
The slow moon mounted, now waxing towards the full, and in its cold silver light the swelling grass-lands rose and fell like wide grey sea.
He must reach the temple ere the moon had mounted to her zenith above the star-stone.
And the moon mounted in the sky.
The moon was already mounting the eastern sky, an enormous yellow globe that would seem to shrink as it reached its zenith overhead.
But it had taken time, and the moon, to her dismay, dismay, was mounting high.
Little children played pranks upon one another, upon the dogs, upon their elders, unrebuked, and the full moon mounted the clear Apache sky to gaze down, content, upon this living poem of peace and love.