She was in her late thirties, he guessed, with a moon-shaped face and short mousy hair.
She turned and looked up into the dark, moon-shaped face of Vinnie Lopato.
A man with very bright red hair and a big peaceful moon-shaped face was sitting at a desk.
His moon-shaped face filled the great screen, smiling, as if he saw them.
The Chinese man turned his moon-shaped face to look at them.
A tiny smile occasionally replaced the nearly permanent scowl on his moon-shaped face.
Burgess took him by the arm and led him over to a thickset man with a red moon-shaped face.
As Tyson scanned the sea of mostly white faces, he saw a big moon-shaped black face smiling, trying to catch his eye.
Her hair was a bright, improbable red that frizzed cheerfully around a moon-shaped face.
Her dark eyes were set into a moon-shaped face.