Ten years later to obtain the doctorate he defended before the Sorbonne a thesis on moral certitude.
Nor did I have the faith, the moral certitude, any more that I was on the side of right, justice, and good.
Once again, we indulge our need for moral certitude and our disappointment in heroes playing politics.
Lacking Starr's moral certitude, Clinton recognizes his own worst instincts and is capable of transcending them.
Now Mr. Perle, who urged America to war with moral certitude, finds himself subject to questions about his own standards of right and wrong.
The Left is divided and confused in the face of such moral certitude.
His bravery, his moral certitude seemed to be flagging.
It must simplify things for you so much, to come at everything with such great moral certitude.
And he understands that their moral certitude fostered both violence and doubt.
This is not a call to arrogance, but to a new moral certitude and self-confidence on the part of those to whom the truth has been given.