Equality in a moral community requires the capability of all participants to make moral decisions.
The congregation of a Church body, synagogue, or mosque is a typical moral community.
A nation is a moral community in which the members feel themselves emotionally bound to one another and, within limits, responsible for one another's well-being.
Their views on questions of human aggression and violence therefore assume major importance in the moral community of which they form a part.
Even deeply flawed nations, he says, have the motivation to form a moral community, for the sake of stability if nothing else.
This argument states that animals are not members of the 'moral community'.
Utilitarian ethics makes all of us members of the same moral community.
The old moral consensus has collapsed, and the moral community built upon it no longer exists.
A moral community is a group of people drawn together by a common interest in living according to a particular moral philosophy.
Many moral communities are often associated with a religion and advocate that religion's conception of a good life.