Plato's theory of ethics: the moral criterion and the highest good, 1928.
There are times when war is justified, and for many centuries the moral criteria for violence have been carefully delineated.
Similarly, ethical pragmatists think that norms, principles, and moral criteria are likely to be improved as a result of inquiry.
It does not hold any known moral criteria as beyond potential for revision.
Those and other moral criteria must be applied to recent developments in biology, the introduction states, because "science without conscience can only lead to man's ruin."
In most of the 59 studies, CSA was defined by the authors based on legal and moral criteria.
Human moral criteria can be applied to God.
"If any individual at any time of the day asks how they stand against the moral criteria of the book," he said later, "it's a huge achievement."
The Leningrad school was distinguished by defined professional and moral criteria.
Socially responsible investing is the practice of investing only in those companies which satisfy a certain moral or ethical criteria.