The more one considers the Pennsylvania plan, the more clear are its logistical loopholes and moral deficiencies.
What is important is not the equality of the moral deficiency, but simply that each has been deficient.
Thus for many Americans, the only plausible explanation for chronic poverty in a land of opportunity is moral deficiency.
The state's highest court ruled that he acted out of depression, not moral deficiency.
To the Editor: President Clinton's womanizing is the product of moral deficiency.
One hopes her message will be heard by those who categorically ascribe moral deficiency to people in the grip of addiction.
It will not change our moral deficiencies.
It was this moral deficiency that had led him to unleash the killers on Geoffrey.
At the time, a low IQ was interpreted as a moral deficiency.
History suggests that focusing on the moral deficiencies of other peoples simply underscores our own.