They managed to recycle without the benefit of government policies or moral exhortations from Greenpeace.
Socrates used this claim of wisdom as the basis of his moral exhortation.
If the pay-as-you-throw system became common everywhere, there would be no need for recycling laws and goals and moral exhortations.
To counter this tendency, mere moral exhortation is insufficient.
She even appeared totally unmoved by my moral exhortations.
The large quantity of moral exhortation in the New Testament letters.
Socioeconomic change, not moral exhortation, medical expertise, technological progress or legislative control, was primarily responsible for the changing practices of infant care and family organization.
The call to 'be a man' has regularly been seen as a self-explanatory moral exhortation.
The view was that persistent resistance to school and workplace integration in the North required something more than moral exhortation, something like affirmative action.
It belonged to the instructional social guidance film genre, which offered adolescent and adult behavioural advice, medical information and moral exhortations.