Sometimes the vocabulary of the translation muffles complex philosophical and moral resonances that ring in Racine's words.
But Muldrow kills so mechanically that his acts lack any moral resonance.
Their intelligence is manifest above all in their efficiency, in the precise calibration of visual effects and moral resonances.
Sports are over because they no longer have any moral resonance.
Brazilian art of these decades seems charged with moral resonance; no doubt this is one reason North American art-world people are drawn to it.
Even if Germans reject it out of hand, it has a deep moral resonance that echoes far beyond Germany's borders.
The images are increasingly indistinguishable and so seem to carry no moral resonance.
Though Ms. Tolstaya is a miniaturist whose stories lack the political and moral resonance of the most formidable antirealists, she is stylistically close to them.
This brings a moral resonance to development rhetoric and makes it hard to avoid in today's discourse.
She would have to give it some kind of moral resonance.