It was decided that a moral revival was needed, and a key part of this was deporting 4,500 Communards to New Caledonia.
The Supreme Court, invoking this idea of equal protection, began the great moral revival we know as the Civil Rights Movement.
He advocates moral revival, including voluntary school prayer, and speaks of "the ultimate downfall of Communist tyranny everywhere in the world."
I always thought it would be dramatic to live through a moral revival.
We're in the middle of a moral revival now, and there has been very little of that.
There can't be any real democracy and moral revival in Hungary with these people, who have absolutely no credit.
What invigorates his Christian followers is the prospect of an evangelical preacher becoming President and seeking to lead the nation in a moral revival.
This will not only represent a new stage of linguistic evolution, it will be a token of moral revival.
"Modern girls and the moral revival they are leading".
It was not possible without a moral revival, without the spiritual dimension of which a Polish pope became the embodiment, reminder and inspiration.