In the book, Benjamin arrived at the church in time to stop the wedding and there was no further 'moral transgression'.
Studies also show that mortality salience can also lead people to feel more inclined to punish minor moral transgressions.
What was initially a moral transgression in using drugs has raged into a terrible fire.
Marie's actions are seen as the result of overeager pragmatism, and perhaps of grotesque expediency, but not as moral transgressions.
Explanations for moral transgressions follow similar self-serving patterns, as do explanations for group behaviour.
Are you being punished for a moral transgression, or is God just irritated at your stupidity in hanging around New York in August?
In any event, your behaviour down there wasn't necessarily a moral transgression as such-your mind wasn't your own.
Sometimes this resulted in extrajudicial punishments, often against women, for their perceived moral transgressions.
Dostoevsky shows Porfiry opposed to both the legal and the moral transgressions of Raskolnikov's crime.
The rest may be regarded as moral transgressions.