But Dutch morale had broken to such an extent that such an assault was no longer necessary.
At this point, the morale of the Viet Minh soldiers broke.
The Ra'zac separated, then regrouped, only to be swept away as the soldiers' morale broke and they ran.
In the end, morale broke and a large group of vessels under the command of merchant captains fled to the north.
Its morale broken and its industry destroyed, Germany would surrender, making an invasion by ground forces unnecessary.
Their morale broke; they scattered, as the Chronicles record, like chaff from the winnowing fan.
The advance then rolled quickly as Japanese morale broke and organised resistance diminished.
Teddiman had hoped Dutch morale would quickly break and made the mistake not to break off action when this didn't happen.
The Afghans began slinking furtively away, their morale broken, like a pack of wolves whose leader is down.
Some writers claim the Air Staff ignored a critical lesson, however: British morale did not break.