"You would create a double standard that could become a morale issue," he said.
He detests dealing with morale issues.
"We never have insufficient firepower now," he said, adding that he considered 9-millimeter guns "more of a trendy thing and a morale issue than a question of public safety."
However, Tom and Merv balk at the thought of adding manpower due to morale issues, but the thought makes the crew work harder.
"We do not have a morale issue today," he said.
Resentment of the touring schedule was not just a morale issue.
"There are some morale issues in Pittsfield and some of that is because there isn't a new stadium," she said.
Leonard Riggio said that this same alliance also offered an explanation why morale issues did not plague Barnesandnoble.com as much as at other e-commerce companies.
Doesn't it bother you that people are beginning to whisper, that there are serious morale issues?
"It's a morale issue, Bernard," he'd warned him, in his best military tone.