The motif in this moralistic tale of 'female virtue' occurs widely in both oriental and Western literature.
The religious fundamentalistic comics of Jack Chick which often feature moralistic tales that are so far-fetched that they become ridiculous.
He finds a way among the comedy to tell these moralistic tales: Black women, keep your legs closed.
Some reviewers thought the tale overtly moralistic, or the Christian elements over-stated - attempts to indoctrinate children.
When "The Good Mother" was published, some saw it as a harshly moralistic tale about the price of passion for a woman who violates repressive social norms.
While these moralistic tales are arrestingly composed, they nevertheless - for this viewer at least --remain staged moments, in which the participants look like well-cued actors.
He didn't see it as a moralistic tale.
The girls bring him food and in turn, he tells them moralistic tales, about courage, perseverance and trying your best at all odds.
The Little Red Hen offers a transition to less blatant religious and moralistic tales while still emphasizing a clear moral.
Fielding's novel was a moralistic tale with tangents offering instruction on behavior, and each of the nine girls in the novel relate their story individually.