He frequently wraps economic theory in impassioned, moralistic terms.
- "Sweet Smell" depicted the occupations of people like Winchell in moralistic terms.
America's marijuana laws usually expressed that fear of outsiders in moralistic terms, while proving ineffective at stopping pot use.
It serves no purpose to put the matter in the judicative or moralistic terms so often favoured by the historians of religion, and to declare that churchmen had failed because they were corrupt.
Tweens often think in moralistic terms, especially if they have a solid family support system or role models, Dr. Savin-Williams said.
Mr. Horowitz said that many other conservatives "approached the law in moralistic terms," but that "Doug uses a more disciplined, more analytic approach."
As he turned, he frowned beyond me, saying, "It is too absurd a simplification, Travis, to try to relate her actions to moralistic terms.
"One of my objections to the trade bill is that we force ourselves to deal with an aberration in trade theory in moralistic terms," Mr. Prestowitz said.
I am astonished that the right of minorities is being deployed in such moralistic terms.
Dictate should be controlled only by voice, something that the program's documentation paints in moralistic terms as obeying the "golden rule."