And forget about Diane, the morally challenged correctional officer in HBO's prison series "Oz."
Legislation enacting racial segregation was finally overturned in the 1950s-1960s, after the nation was morally challenged and educated by activists of the Civil Rights Movement.
I don't want to be intellectually or morally challenged by a game of monopoly, chess or football.
THE seeming wild card is Senator John McCain, the Republican from Arizona, who has called for business regulations beyond those sought by President Bush and Democratic leaders while calling business leaders "morally challenged."
The party really gets started when Nikki herself arrives, hauling her latest lover and fiancee, the morally challenged lawyer who'd been handling her case.
McCarthy starred in the final season of The Wire as a morally challenged reporter named Scott Templeton.
It said the court should drop an existing case in which a Yemeni national is challenging the military tribunals invented by Mr. Bush's morally challenged lawyers after 9/11.
Donny, morally challenged, threatens to give them up the police.
It's carried grace, it's produced saints, it's morally challenged the world.