To think that more of the same will shock them into decency is morally offensive and naive.
Two of his golden figures were removed from the exhibition as being morally offensive.
They suggest "conscientious objector" status for those who find abortion morally offensive, with a rebate paid to them by their insurers.
These ideas were viewed not just as controversial but, by some, as morally offensive.
Other Abolitionists viewed state sanctioned prostitution as morally offensive and harmful.
The office has five ratings, from A-1 (general audiences) to O (morally offensive).
Since I wasn't among those who were taken care of, I find that statement morally offensive.
In most countries, however, films that are considered morally offensive have been censored, restricted, or banned.
The inmate was being shown a series of words and phrases, and was supposed to rate each as morally offensive or not.
I was going to perform the visual task-rate a series of images as "morally offensive," on a scale of zero to five.