Worse yet, they all sound the same, have the same mordant sense of humor.
He had a mordant sense of humor that was just what Kozlowski needed to hear now.
All the artists share a mordant sense of humor and most have neo-Pop tendencies, but only two are specifically concerned with the future.
Problem was, God, who can have a pretty mordant sense of humor when the mood strikes Him, put a little backspin on the ball.
But if your forebears had nothing else, Head Nodder, they had a mordant sense of humor.
Later, back in his hotel room, a shaken Stevenson seeks liquid relief and finds that King has a mordant sense of humor.
Both possess a mordant sense of humor.
Frost talked about the end of the cold war, displaying a mordant sense of humour.
But in relaxed, more private moments, she has a rueful, mordant sense of humor.
She was totally guileless, honest, with a mordant sense of humour and sardonic wit.