The donkeys and sheep loved to catch those first morning rays.
The morning rays were already caressing the ancient stones of Unseen University, premier college of wizardry, five hundred miles away.
A bay window in the living room catches some feeble morning rays from the northeast, enough to sustain a few shade plants.
Like one inspired, he seemed to drink the morning air and glitter in the morning ray.
The sun rose while they were eating, and Belgarath looked Op, squinting into the morning rays.
The morning ray that brushed his face was alone, so thoroughly did trees shut out the sky.
Jak asked, turning the silver disk so that it caught the morning rays of sunlight.
When Theresa got sunburned by the early morning rays, Garrett walked to one of the many shops right off the beach and brought back some lotion.
The morning rays are said by yogis to be highly charged with prana (life-force) and are the most beneficial to health.
That was where he had to go to catch the morning rays.