Before morning recess came, I took his temperature.
The playground issue presented here seems simple: It's morning recess and you and your friends have been planning to play a very special game.
In the morning before 9:20, the students have morning recess and breakfast.
Several dozen children were out on the yard for morning recess, running, climbing, hiding, seeking.
Taylor, who was prevented from leaving with Griffiths by two security guards, disappeared after a morning recess.
He'd wait until the morning recess and get McAdoo on the phone.
It was morning recess, and the older children were playing kickball in the yard.
Mutual positions were restated one more time each before the morning recess allowed a chance for everyone to stretch.
"The school may take the morning recess now," announced the teacher.
By the time we headed home, kids were pouring onto the playgrounds of grade schools for morning recess.