The Monocotyledons continues Arber's morphological methods of analysis she presented in Water Plants.
The group's internal taxonomy is in a state of flux; molecular studies are proving more reliable than morphological methods in approximating relationships within the group.
Because derivation is a slower and less productive word formation process than the more overtly syntactical morphological methods, there are fewer collectives formed this way.
Mike Stewart's morphological methods, however, could go beyond those of light microscopy to that of the electron microscope.
The Asmat bisj poles and a proposal for a morphological method.
Traditionally, these trees have been built using morphological methods, such as appearance, embryology, etc.
This finding was confirmed by morphological and molecular methods; to date it is the oldest evidence of tuberculosis infection in humans.
Using morphological methods to identify differences between such closely related species can often be very difficult, especially if the fly or larvae has been poorly preserved.
Allograpta is currently being studied using both molecular and morphological methods to produce a robust phylogeny of the genus and its related genera.
Alternating Sequential Filter, an image processing morphological method for smoothing objects in binary images, by using a sequence of opening and closing operations.