Does the idea of homology apply only to morphological patterns, he asks, or can it be applied to developmental processes?
It is important to distinguish the paradigm of a lexeme from a morphological pattern.
In the context of an inflecting language, an inflectional morphological pattern is not the explicit list of inflected forms.
A morphological pattern usually references a prototypical class of inflectional forms, e.g. ring as per sing.
In practice, the stress is largely predictable, due to the many morphological and phonological stress-related patterns.
Also, most Aslian languages preserve fossilized traces of other morphological patterns that are no longer productive.
Anguilliformity is a morphological pattern in fishes, named for and typified by the eels.
There are five distinctive morphological patterns of necrosis:
As already stressed by Stevens (1974) some morphological pattern may offer precise advantages.
The clear cell sarcoma has a uniform and distinctive morphological pattern which serves to distinguish it from other types of sarcoma.